Risk Rating



Thara Crowdlending Company is interested in offering financing opportunities for qualified real estate development projects on its platform after the financing applicant meets the criteria of Thara Crowdlending Company.

Each financing application is also subject to a comprehensive internal evaluation covering credit and risks aspects, and this evaluation is supported by dedicated credit databases, such as the Saudi Credit Information Company “Simah” database, and “Bayan” credit information.



We conduct a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of investment opportunities on Thara Crowdlending platform, this aims to present the opportunities in a transparent manner to help you make informed investment decisions in the debt financing market. The evaluation of opportunities depends on specific terms and criteria for credit classification.



Facility information: A  comprehensive assessment of the facility’s history, age, structure, etc.

Financial Statements: Analyzin financial statements to determine the strength and stability of the financial position.

Credit history: Study the payment record and evaluate the company’s existing and previous financial obligations, in addition to the credit record of the owners.

Project feasibility details: Careful screening of project submissions and evaluation of investment effectiveness.

Security: Evaluating the guarantees provided and their efficiency in reducing potential risks.



  • Excellent credit rating and very low risk.
  • Good credit rating and low risk.
  • Overall good credit rating but some risks may arise.
  • Moderate credit rating with significant risks.
  • Poor credit rating and high risk
  • Poor credit rating and very high risk.
  • Very poor credit rating and extreme risk.