Shari'a compliance

At Thara Crowdlending, we are committed to complying with the rulings of Islamic Sharia in all our activities. This is achieved through the appointment and supervision of Shariyah Review Bureau as a Sharia consultant to oversee and advise on the compliance of the company's activities with Sharia principles and standards.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Sharia Committee:

  • Setting Sharia standards that the company's management must follow when investing.
  • Reviewing and approving company documents, including terms and conditions, subscription agreements, policies and procedures, and other documents necessary for the accreditation process.
  • Verifying that the platform adheres to the committee's decisions in its products and contracts.
  • Responding to inquiries from the company's management regarding its investments or activities.
  • Supervising and monitoring the company's activities to ensure their compliance with Sharia principles and standards.

Download Q1 2023 certificate in PDF format
